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重庆方管价格或将趋弱运行厂家开工也一再后…方管重庆方管市场价格平稳运行,暂无成交。据悉,钢材市场仍处于休市状态,方管厂家开工时间也一再后延。当前市场库存已达到历史高峰期,方管厂家库存和资金压力逐步攀升。仓库方面,前期到货过 于集中,各大仓库都几乎爆满。物流方面,多处道路受到管制,无法正常运输。因此市场处于零成交状态。整体来看,故预计…

本周无锡方管市场弱势下跌,本周期货、钢坯走势宽幅震荡下行。五一节后第一天现货市场开市价格涨跌互现,成交正常放量,当 日下午传出唐山新增高炉检修限产,供给利好刺激现货市场情绪高涨皆准备第二天拉涨;然周一上午美方特朗普突然宣布预于本周五对华加征关税,消息一出严重打 击市场心态;后面期现市场皆维稳乏力价格不断下探。成交方面整体处于正常偏差水平,库存缓慢消化,商家囤货积极性不高以去库为主。本周无锡市场盘螺高线资 源较为紧张多为外省资源,价格相对较为坚挺。商家为规避风险,操作上多以出货套现为主,价格下有议价空间。截至今日无锡方管市场表现为先抑后扬;早盘 报价稳中有跌,午后伴随着期货钢坯上行提振,市场心态有所好转,成交明显放量,报价开始回调甚至盘螺资源小幅拉涨,下游采购增加。

This week, Wuxi Fangguan market weakness fell, this week futures, billet trend wide concussion downward. On the first day after May 1st, spot market prices rose and fell, trading volume was normal. In the afternoon of the same day, Tangshan new blast furnace overhaul and production restriction were reported, and good supply stimulated the sentiment of the spot market to rise the next day. However, Monday morning, Trump suddenly announced that he was going to impose tariffs on China this Friday, and the news hit the market mentality seriously. Weak prices continue to fall. In terms of transaction, the overall level of deviation is normal. Inventory is slowly digested, and the enthusiasm of merchants for hoarding goods is not high, mainly to depot. This week Wuxi market snail high-line resources are more tense for provincial resources, prices are relatively strong. In order to avoid risks, merchants mainly use cash on delivery and have bargaining space under price. Up to now, the Wuxi square pipe market has shown a first restraint and then rise; the early quotation has been stable and declining, and in the afternoon, along with the upward boost of futures billets, the market mentality has improved, the volume of transactions has been significantly increased, the quotation has begun to pull back or even the screw resources have increased slightly, and the downstream purchasing has increased. 本周无锡方管市场库存延续下降;据10日统计数据显示,现无锡方管市场库存总量149.20万吨,环比节前降8.07%,同比去年 降4.0%。本周无锡方管市场价格盘整下行,目前无锡方管价格已处于全国洼地,当地钢厂不愿低价销售以稳为主。贸易商方面在面临资金压力、库存压力还有考 虑到后期市场不确定性风险加大的情况下,皆表示以走货为主,整个5月份来看可能大概率表现为震荡偏弱走势。另一方面目前无锡价格已处低位,在成本和需求的 支撑下,价格继续大幅下行的可能性不大,尤其盘螺资源或表现为震荡偏强趋势。综上所述,预计下周无锡当地方管价格或震荡维稳。

Inventory in Wuxi Fangguan market continued to decline this week; according to the statistics of 10 days, the total inventory in Wuxi Fangguan market is 14922 million tons, down 8.07% from before the festival, and 4.0% from last year. This week, the market price of Wuxi Fangguan went down. At present, the price of Wuxi Fangguan is in the depression of the whole country. Local steel mills are reluctant to sell at a steady price. Traders in the face of capital pressure, inventory pressure, and considering the increased risk of market uncertainty in the latter part of the situation, all said that the main way is to take goods, the whole May may be a weak trend of shocks. On the other hand, Wuxi's price has been at a low level. Supported by cost and demand, it is unlikely that prices will continue to fall sharply, especially for snail resources or show a strong trend of shocks. To sum up, Wuxi is expected to maintain stable local prices or shocks next week.

国内镀锌方管价格格局难改继续盘整厂家挺价…方管镀锌方管价格普遍报稳。周初开市,瑞丰355系列带钢报稳,河北主流方管厂家普遍报稳,宽带上调10元对方管支撑明显,各厂家挺价销售,但成交偏弱。今日,河北 大部分地区大雾天气对交通影响较大,唐山地区再次发布重污染天气Ⅱ级响应预警,目前带钢厂受交通影响走货受限但锁单不断,方管厂家反应大车国五以下禁止进出厂 区成交… 短期国内方管市价稳中趋弱运行成交一般方管国内方管各地区市场价格稳中个跌,成交一般,部分贸易商表示较正常出货降低20%左右。近日国内方管现货贸易商出货量依然是正常偏弱,方管原料下调,出厂价明降,不过当前各地贸易商库存量不大,对市价尚能形成一定支撑,今日部分地区下 跌,多以出货为主,保利降价出货。中美贸易战利空,短期价格不支持大幅上扬。不过建国周年…
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