What are the uses of galvanized square tubes in the industry? Let's introduce the manufacturer to you. What is galvanized square pipe? I believe many people don't know it very well. This is actually a kind of pipe made by cold rolling or hot rolling. In the process of pipe production, the staff first need to bend the pipe and then weld it into square pipe by high frequency welding. But if they want to make galvanized pipe with better corrosion resistance. In the case of square pipes, the staff also need hot-dip galvanizing for the formed cold-formed hollow square pipes. Because galvanizing operation greatly improves the corrosion resistance of square pipes and prolongs the service life of the pipes, the service life of the square pipes has also been extended. Whether in steel construction projects or in machinery manufacturing industries, the use of the galvanized square pipes is very important. Common. Towel folding machine manufacturer related staff said that in addition, in the production of solar power frame bracket, the use of galvanized square tubes is also essential.
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