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杭州方管价格或将持续暂稳为主需求一般方管杭州方管市场价格保持暂稳运行,市场成交一般,今日杭州方管市场价格趋于稳定状态,方管厂家方面主要以出货为主。据方管厂家反映,周初杭州市 场大多数方管厂家陆续已经放假,只有部分方管厂家周六放假,临近春节,市场需求一般,近期没有太大变化。今日方管厂家反映,大户出货量在100吨左右,目前处即将放假…

本周唐山方管市场价格震荡,涨跌不一,需求仍然低迷,市场交易气氛惨淡,商家尽力出货,钢厂心态较受挫。本周周初唐山方管均下调10-20元,市场活跃度低,方管厂端仍在持续15天轮产政策中,听部分钢厂反应,截止到8月之前每 月都将执行15天轮产,生产、出货、库存影响较大,部分钢厂心态受挫,对后市心态不乐观,虽然限产仍在持续,但是市场价格仍然没有刺激价格,主要因需求惨 淡,周中期,市场价格受钢坯、期螺的刺激小幅上涨10-30元左右,价格虽有上涨,但是需求面仍然偏空,市场观望心态较重,周后期价格仍下跌,钢市的大起 大落让大家心情较为悲观。轧钢厂状态:截止5月23日统计唐山30家型钢厂51条生产线,停产或检修31条,开工率为39.2%:9条工开4,18条槽开7,21条角开8,3条H开2。

This week Tangshan Fangguan market price shocks, fluctuations vary, demand is still depressed, the market trading atmosphere is bleak, businessmen try their best to ship, steel factory mentality is more frustrated. At the beginning of this week, Tangshan Fangguan all lowered 10-20 yuan, the market activity was low, and the steel mill end was still in the 15-day rotation policy. Listening to the reaction of some steel mills, they would execute 15-day rotation every month until August. Production, delivery and inventory had a greater impact. Some steel mills were frustrated and were not optimistic about the future market mentality. Although production restriction was still continuing, market prices still did not stimulate prices. In the mid-week, the market price was slightly increased by 10-30 yuan, stimulated by billets and snails. Although the price has risen, the demand side is still empty. The market has a heavy wait-and-see mentality. Later in the week, the price is still falling. The ups and downs of the steel market make everyone feel pessimistic. State of rolling mill: As of May 23, 51 production lines of 30 section mills in Tangshan were counted. 31 production lines were shut down or overhauled. The start-up rate was 39.2%: 9 lines were opened 4, 18 slots were opened 7, 21 angles were opened 8, and 3 H were opened 2.


Inventory of finished products: As of May 23, the inventory of finished products in 24 square pipe factories in Tangshan was about 321,000 tons. Last week (May 16), it decreased by 25,000 tons, or 7.4%.


Next week, the market will be bleak in the late weeks. Many businessmen try their best to ship goods. The end of the steel mill is still in a disadvantageous state. Some steel mills have few finished products in stock. In the afternoon, the steel billet is stable. Now the ordinary carbon billet has a tax of 3610 yuan. This week, it will increase by 50 yuan. The snail will remain green and the market will be more wait-and-see. It is expected that the price fluctuation of Tangshan Fangguan market will be weak next week.

价格方面:截5月17日,唐山正丰产 5#角钢价格为3930元,较上周同期价格跌20元;唐山电力产的16-18#槽钢价格为3940元,较上周同期价格涨20元;唐城产的14-20#工字 钢价格为3930元,较上周同期价格涨20元;唐山鑫亿源产125*125的H型钢价格为4030元,较上周同期价格涨20元。

Price: As of May 17, the price of Tangshan Zhengfeng 5# angle steel is 3930 yuan, 20 yuan lower than the same period last week; the price of 16-18# channel steel is 3940 yuan, 20 yuan higher than the same period last week; the price of 14-20# I steel produced in Tangcheng is 3930 yuan, 20 yuan higher than the same period last week; the price of H steel produced by Tangshan Xinyiyuan is 4030 yuan, 20 yuan higher than the same period last week. 。 

天津方管市场价格保持趋稳运行厂家再次延后…方管天津市场方管市场价格保持趋稳运行。今日通过和方管厂家联系方管厂家给出的反馈,现天津市场整体还在停业状态暂无开市,现已经是节后的第二周,但因疫情影响,感染人数增多,现天津地区大多数方管厂家选择在家办公,市场平静,方管厂家表示对后期开市后的方管市场价格并不看好。方管厂家方面,目前首钢方管厂家再次延后开工,… 贵阳方管价格或将以稳为主窄幅震荡运行厂家…方管今天贵阳市场镀锌方管价格小幅上涨。今天,螺纹钢期货继续上涨态势,收盘3719涨32。贵阳方管厂家开市后普遍拉涨价格出货,不过市场成交一般。据客户反映,方管厂家心态不同,部分方管厂家对后市看 好,继续挺价;也有部分方管厂家快进快出,已出货为主,暗降价格出货。库存方面,贵阳市场镀锌方管库存总量25万吨左右,较上周…
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