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短期国内镀锌方管价格继续持稳厂家保持平稳…方管镀锌方管价格以稳为主。今日,河北个别方管厂家出厂报价继续上调,但大部分方管厂家保持平稳报价,成交较前两 日稍有好转。截至目前,天津唐山邯郸主流管厂统计:本周(1.9)厂内原料带钢库存30.93万吨,比上周同期增2.42万吨;方管库存8.45万吨,比 上周同期减0.35万吨;镀锌方管库存19.05万吨,比上周同期增…

本周自周一黑色系期螺突然跳水后,整体走势趋弱几次跳水。主要是上周的上涨,现货的成交明显跟不上期货的节奏支撑不够。消息面,脱欧还在半空中, 梅姨辞职;铁矿石、焦炭疯长,中美贸易战不断加剧。管坯近日再次走弱,临沂管厂也出现小幅下调。市场方面,近三个月沧州方管成交量处于递减状态,本地方管市场交投氛围清淡,方管市场价格价格弱稳。通过贸易商了解到,市场需求递减,较往年同期出货量下降很多,库存释放缓慢,总体情况不佳,商家对方管后市不 看好,多暗降出货,保证利润。库存相对较低。由于高温天气及雨季即将到来,采购量明显减少,大都按需采购,而下游基本以各厂资源比价买货,综上所述,预计 下周沧州方管市价震荡偏弱依然趋弱。原料面,截至5月31日,唐山昌黎部分普碳方坯含税出厂3560元(吨价,下同)较上周同期跌30元。

This week, the overall trend has weakened several times since Monday's black snail dive. Mainly because of last week's rise, spot sales obviously can not keep up with the rhythm of futures support is not enough. News, leaving Europe is still in the air, Aunt Mei resigned; iron ore and coke are growing rapidly, and the Sino-US trade war is intensifying. Pipe billet weakened again recently, Linyi Pipe Factory also showed a slight decline. On the market side, the volume of Cangzhou Square Tube has been declining in the past three months. The local seamless tube market has a light trading atmosphere and the price of Square Tube market is weak and stable. Traders know that the market demand is declining, compared with the same period in previous years, the volume of shipments has dropped a lot, inventory release is slow, the overall situation is not good, the merchants are not optimistic about the market after each other's management, how secretly to reduce shipments, to ensure profits. Inventory is relatively low. As the hot weather and rainy season are approaching, the purchasing volume is obviously reduced, most of them are purchased on demand, while the downstream is basically purchased at the price of resources of each factory. In summary, it is expected that the market price fluctuation of Fangguan in Cangzhou will remain weak next week. Raw materials, as of May 31, Tangshan Changli part of the carbon billet with tax factory 3560 yuan (ton price, the same below) fell 30 yuan from the same period last week.

今日管坯价格,现江鑫热轧3870元,连铸3770元下调30元,鲁丽热轧3850元下调20元,天钢热轧3900元下调20元,连铸3810元 下调20元,潍钢热轧3920元,连铸3780元,东方热轧4130元,淮钢4160元,中天4120元,长强4070元,凌钢4330元。

Today's billet price, Jiangxin hot rolling 3870 yuan, continuous casting 3770 yuan down 30 yuan, Luli hot rolling 3850 yuan down 20 yuan, Tiangang hot rolling 3900 yuan down 20 yuan, continuous casting 3810 yuan down 20 yuan, Weigang hot rolling 3920 yuan, continuous casting 3780 yuan, Dongfang hot rolling 4130 yuan, Huaihua steel 4160 yuan, Zhongtian 4120 yuan, Changqiang 4070 yuan, Linggang 4330 yuan.

管坯价格,现今日管坯价格,现江鑫热轧3870元,连铸3770元,较上周共下调50元,鲁丽热轧3850元,较上周下调20元,天钢热轧 3900元,连铸3810元较上周共下调30元,潍钢热轧3920元,连铸3780元,东方热轧4080元,淮钢4160元,中天4120元,长强 4070元,凌钢4330元。

The price of billet is 3870 yuan for Jiangxin hot rolling and 3770 yuan for continuous casting, 50 yuan lower than last week, 3850 yuan for Luli hot rolling, 20 yuan lower than last week, 3900 yuan for Tiangang hot rolling, 3810 yuan for continuous casting, 30 yuan lower than last week, 3920 yuan for Weigang hot rolling, 3780 yuan for continuous casting, 4080 yuan for oriental hot rolling, 4160 yuan for Huaihua Steel, 4120 yuan for Zhongtian, 4070 yuan for Changqiang and 4330 yuan for Linggang.


In terms of inventory, the total inventory of Cangzhou Fangguan is about 58.1 million tons, which is 0.08 million tons less than last week and 1.36% lower than that of the previous week. 

分析方管表面缺陷的五种检测方法方管方管表面缺陷的检测方法,主要有以下五种:一电涡流检测.电涡流检测有多种形式,常用的有常规涡流检测、远场涡流检测、多频涡流检测和脉冲涡流检测等,利用电涡流传感器对金属进行感应,方管表面不同缺陷类型和形状将产生不同类型的信号。其优点是检测精度高、探测灵敏度高,检测速度快,能检测待检测管材的表面及亚表面,且… 潍坊方管价格将震荡运行为主厂家补货动力不…方管潍坊方管价格维稳。据贸易商反馈,潍坊方管市场较之前日成交情况有所好转。当前方管厂家库存量压力不大,由于市场近期成交乏力,方管厂家补货动力不足,对于后期市场是否会迎来较好的行情,方管厂家持谨慎观望态度的居多。据钢厂方面表示,潍坊方管市场需求情况偏淡,大多数方管厂家补库意愿不强,后续可能会根据订货量的多少…
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