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银川方管市场或将以震荡盘整为主厂家接货意…方管今日开市银川方管市场各方管厂家平稳报价,市场成交依旧冷清。据了解,近期酒钢方管价格依旧坚挺,市场依旧弱势,方管厂家接货意愿不高。成交方面, 临近年底,银川市场日渐减少,多数方管厂家日成交量仅二三十吨左右。资源方面,本周主导方管厂家到货量偏低,但市场需求基本停滞,市场库存较上周基本持平。据…

国内方管价格较上周小幅下跌。各地结算过后,本周价格迎来小幅回落,周初开盘期货低迷开局,现货卷板贸易商随行就是纷纷价格纷纷下调,出货不佳。消息面第十二轮贸易商磋商无果,美联储降 息25个基点,对于盘面并未带来多大利好,临近周末两天市场反而加速回落。邯郸、沈阳有部分的大户压低市场价格30-40元抛货举动对于价格当地价格产生 一定冲击。乐从市场热卷库存继续上量,本周库存击破60万吨,需求跟进滞后,何消化如此高水平的库存以及消化速度的快慢成为近期关注问题。上海市场供需基 本平稳,库存稍微累积,但尚在可接受范围之内,方管厂家心态暂且平稳。

Domestic prices have fallen slightly since last week. After settlement, prices fell slightly this week. Futures markets began to slump at the beginning of the week. Spot coil traders were accompanied by price cuts and poor shipments. The twelfth round of trade negotiations failed. The Federal Reserve cut interest rates by 25 basis points did not bring much good to the market, but the market slowed down in the coming two days of the weekend. Some large households in Handan and Shenyang have lowered the market price by 30-40 yuan, which has a certain impact on the local price. Lecong hot coil inventory continues to increase. This week, the inventory broke through 600,000 tons. Demand follow-up lags behind. How to digest such a high level of inventory and the speed of digestion has become a recent concern. The supply and demand of Shanghai market are basically stable, and the stock is slightly accumulated, but it is still within the acceptable range, so the mentality of the manufacturers is temporarily stable. 本周国内热卷价格(十大城市均价)最高价格3883元,最低价格3841元(临近周末),市场大户出货在200-1000吨不等,较上周出货有所减量,8月份开局不利。

This week's domestic hot coil price (average price of ten cities) is 3883 yuan, the lowest price is 3841 yuan (near the weekend). Large market shipments range from 200 to 1000 tons, which is less than last week's shipments, and the beginning of August is not good.

本周方管生产仍在有条不紊进行,但成交趋弱使得库存再次累积。据我网统计,截止8月2日,方管社会库存236.97万吨,较上周同期增加7万多吨,主要是乐 从库存累积明显。周五贸易商利空再次发酵,特朗普推特在9.1日对中国3000亿中国商品再加关税但又表示积极进行对话磋商,早盘期货大跌后惊奇反弹,期 螺反弹低点3724元。空头午盘大幅减仓,下跌中走出上涨,或是做市商有意为之。

This week, square tube production is still in good order, but the weakening of trading makes inventory accumulate again. According to our network statistics, as of August 2, Fangguan Social Inventory had 23.697 million tons, an increase of more than 70,000 tons over the same period last week, mainly Lecong's stock accumulation was obvious. Traders rebounded again on Friday, Trump Twitter added tariffs on 300 billion Chinese goods on September 11, but said it was actively engaged in dialogue and consultation. Early futures rebounded surprisingly after a sharp fall, with futures rebounding to a low of 3,724 yuan. Short-end midday trading dramatically reduced positions, falling out of the rise, or market makers intentionally.


At present, the futures market is interwoven with many blanks, bottoms rebound, but ultimately the pull strength is insufficient. Prices do not have the conditions for a substantial pull-up in early August. In addition, demand has not yet fully started. This week, shipments of large investors below the price of about 30 yuan have eased. Therefore, it is expected that next week's price range will fluctuate in the range of 30 yuan, which may be the first trend. Up after the fall.


Price: As of August 2, the average price of domestic coiled tube sheets was 3841 yuan (ton price, the same below), 42 yuan lower than the same period last week, 106 yuan lower than the same period last month.

6月8日上海镀锌方管市场价格暂稳厂家多持观…方管上海镀锌方管市场价格暂稳。目前整体方管市场处于需求淡季,加上近期上游原材料市场持续下跌,方管厂家价格整体趋弱,方管厂家对后期市场行情并不看好,多持观望态度,操作较为谨慎。库存方面持续进出平衡水平运行。综上所述,预计短期内上海镀锌方管市场将以震荡偏弱运行为主。原料方面,今日唐山瑞丰355mm系列带钢报价3760… 武汉镀锌方管价格部分有抬厂家操作仍以谨慎…方管武汉市场镀锌方管价格部分有抬。市场方面,1.0、1.2规格货紧价扬,其余4700元起售价。据了解,近两日期货回升,现货市场拉涨,带动本地方管厂家抬价情绪升 温,早盘代理商报价基本在4700元/吨,部分经销商资源售价调至4710-4730元/吨。1.0、1.2规格在4800元左右,价格调整后,下游采购 虽询价电话增多,但市场整体成交仍显一…
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