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方管市场价格暂且随行运行厂家执行停产限产…方管石家庄方管市价持稳观望。市场方面,今日螺纹钢期货2005合约高位震荡,最高3549最低3508,尾盘收3538涨23,仓量270万手,增11.2万手。原料钢坯 3410左右含税出库低价部分成交,带钢145mm系降后低位好转;355mm系列现货昨降20左右,裸价主流3370-3410,期货 3340-3370左右;河北主导方管厂家现方管4寸(3.75mm)…

天津方管市场价格稳中盘整,成交情况较上周有所好转。周初,由于上周末市场整体活跃程度不高,加之原料市场小幅震荡,本 地主流管厂方管价格开始转入平稳盘整状态。周中至周后期,成本端价格继续窄幅震荡,对于方管的支撑作用有所减弱,本地方管市场价格也随之小幅调整。从市场 了解到,随着建筑工程项目陆续开工带来需求的释放,下游商家也出现了阶段性补货,管厂出货较前期略显好转。目前终端用管企业开工率较往年依旧偏低,市场观 望情绪较浓,出货情况整体来说仍不如往年。库存方面,由于目前管厂多执行全线生产,尽管近期出货尚可,但整体库存依旧未见减少,后期销售压力依旧不容小 觑。后期来看,一方面当前上游原料市场难掩疲软之势,下游方管市场推涨缺乏有效动力,另一方面当前方管市场整体偏弱,商家对于今年旺季的期待普遍看淡。预 计下周天津方管市场仍将继续震荡盘整态势。

Tianjin Fangguan market price stabilization, consolidation, turnover than last week improved. At the beginning of the week, due to the low activity of the market as a whole last weekend and the small fluctuation of the raw material market, the local mainstream pipe factory price began to turn into a stable consolidation state. From mid-week to late-week, the cost-side prices continued to oscillate narrowly, which weakened the supporting role of the local regulators, and the local regulators'market prices also adjusted slightly. From the market, with the release of demand from the construction projects, downstream merchants have also made phased replenishment, and the delivery of pipe plants has improved slightly compared with the earlier period. At present, the start-up rate of terminal pipe enterprises is still low in the past years, the market sentiment is strong, the overall shipment situation is still not as good as in previous years. Inventory, as the current management plant to implement more full-line production, although recent shipments are still acceptable, but the overall inventory has not been reduced, late sales pressure is still not to be underestimated. Later, on the one hand, the current upstream raw material market is difficult to hide the weak trend, the downstream market is lack of effective momentum, on the other hand, the current market as a whole is weak, business expectations for this year's peak season are generally weak. It is expected that Tianjin Square Management Market will continue to shake and consolidate next week. 原料方面,唐山方坯、带钢价格小幅震荡盘整。截至4月4日,唐山市场普碳150×150钢坯现金含税出厂主流报价为3450元(吨价,下同),与 上周同期持平;唐山带钢355mm系列主流报价为3700元,比上周同期上涨10元。周内原料基本面表现趋强,但高价出货较为吃力,继续冲高难度不小。后 期来看,受环保限产结束影响预计方坯、带钢产量将有所上升,不过需求本身并不处于弱势阶段,因此未有造成市场大幅走弱的条件形成,短期内原料方坯、带钢仍 将延续当前震荡形势。

In terms of raw materials, the prices of Tangshan billet and strip steel have been consolidated slightly. Up to April 4, the mainstream quotation for cash-tax-bearing carbon 150 *150 billet in Tangshan market was 3450 yuan (ton price, the same below), which was the same as the same period last week; the mainstream quotation for 355mm series of Tangshan Strip Steel was 3700 yuan, up 10 yuan from the same period last week. During the week, the basic performance of raw materials tends to be strong, but high-price shipments are more difficult, and it is not difficult to continue to rush high. In the later period, the production of billet and strip is expected to increase due to the end of environmental restriction, but the demand itself is not in a weak stage, so there is no condition for the market to weaken substantially. In the short term, the raw billet and strip will continue the current turbulent situation.

镀锌管方面,本周天津镀锌管市场价格窄幅盘整。据了解,近期管厂整体出货尚好,目前本地主流镀锌管厂的日均销售量维持在3000吨以上,本地镀锌 管成品库存较上周变化不大。后期看来,虽然成交尚可,但需求端并不能支持本地镀锌管市场逆势上涨,下周天津镀锌管市场或将跟随上游方管市场震荡盘整运行。

As for galvanized pipes, the market price of Tianjin galvanized pipes was narrowly consolidated this week. It is understood that the overall shipment of the recent pipe factory is good, the current local mainstream galvanized pipe factory's daily average sales volume maintained at more than 3000 tons, local galvanized pipe finished product inventory changes little compared with last week. Later, although the transaction is still acceptable, but the demand side can not support the local galvanized pipe market to rise against the trend. Next week, Tianjin galvanized pipe market will follow the upstream square pipe market.

据市场监测显示,截至4月4日,宝来产4寸(3.75)方管出厂价格为4030元,比上周同期上涨20元;友发产4寸 (3.75)方管出厂价格为4040元,与上周同期持平;君诚产4寸(3.75)方管出厂价格为4040元,与上周同期持平。利达产4寸(3.75)镀锌 管出厂挂牌价格为5010,比上周同期上涨40元;友诚产4寸(3.75)镀锌管出厂价格为5020元,比上周同期上涨40元;君诚产4寸(3.75)镀 锌管出厂价格为5020元,比上周同期上涨40元。

According to market monitoring, as of April 4, the ex-factory price of 4-inch (3.75) square tubes of Baolai was 4030 yuan, up 20 yuan from the same period last week; the ex-factory price of 4-inch (3.75) square tubes of Youfa was 4040 yuan, equal to the same period last week; and the ex-factory price of 4-inch (3.75) square tubes of Juncheng was 4040 yuan, equal to the same period last week. Lida's 4-inch (3.75) galvanized pipe ex-factory listing price is 5010 yuan, 40 yuan higher than last week's same period; Youcheng's 4-inch (3.75) galvanized pipe ex-factory price is 502 yuan, 40 yuan higher than last week's same period; Juncheng's 4-inch (3.75) galvanized pipe ex-factory price is 502 yuan, 40 yuan higher than last week's same period.

广州市场方管价格或继续稳中偏弱调整成交水…方管广州市场方管价格稳中偏弱运行,市场成交一般,方管厂家出货从昨日开始整体有所减弱。期货今日震荡盘整尾盘小幅收红,原材料方面现昌黎普碳方 坯含税出厂3300元/吨降10。现货市场今日广州方管开价螺纹资源主流小幅下调10元出货,盘螺高线资源报价相对稳定;成交方面据方管厂家反馈经过周五周六的小幅放量,周一市场出货开始有… 包头方管市场价格以稳为主采购欲望转好方管包头方管市场价格部分上涨,今日方管市场价格部分价格上涨,期螺震荡维稳,市场心态活跃,据了解,部分钢厂资源货少,采购欲望转好,受上周拉涨后,高位成交一般,目前线材货 少。大户成交1000吨左右,午后钢坯稳,现普碳方坯含税出厂3560,一定的支撑力度,因此预计明日包头方管市场价格以稳为主。Baotou Fangguan's market…
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