The square tube is called alloy square tube, which is mainly composed of ferrite in service state. The chromium content ranges from 11% to 30%. It has a body-centered cubic crystal structure. This kind of steel generally does not contain nickel, and sometimes contains a small amount of Mo, Ti, Nb and other elements. This kind of steel tool has the characteristics of high thermal conductivity, small expansion coefficient, good oxidation resistance and excellent stress corrosion resistance. It is mostly used to manufacture parts resistant to atmospheric, steam, water and oxidative acid corrosion. This kind of alloy square pipe has some shortcomings, such as poor plasticity, obvious decrease of post-weld plasticity and corrosion resistance, which limits its application. The application of out-of-furnace refining technology (AOD or VOD) can greatly reduce the gap elements such as carbon and nitrogen, thus making this kind of steel widely used.
沈阳方管市场价格或稳定运行出货一般方管沈阳方管市场价格基本平稳。部分规格有小幅上涨。本市今日受天气影响,出货一般。周末市场平稳。今日开市,市场价格稳定。方管厂家心态平 缓,市场收官已成定局。今日期货表现仍旧给力,方管厂家心态有所改善,但由于市场已经近乎收官,总体出货还是不够理想。目前沈阳库存水平很低,抢手资源价格仍 然较高。其他冷门资源的价… 短期内唐山方管市场将继续震荡下行市场成交…方管唐山方管价格部分拉涨,市场成交差。今日期货开盘震荡,午后回落,收盘3776跌7元,唐山钢坯收盘降10元,现普碳含税出厂3500元。唐山方管市场今日成交差,部分代理今日出货 不足百吨。昨日早盘期货迅猛拉涨,市场成交火爆,今日开市上涨乏力,螺纹钢议价销售依然稍有问津,在买涨不买落的心态影响下,成交清淡也在情理之中。目…