There are three theoretical weight algorithms for square pipes: the calculation method of square pipes'weight, there are three ways altogether. The first one is to use the steel plate algorithm, that is, to expand a square pipe with a straight heel, then form a four-piece flat steel, and then calculate the flat steel. The weight calculated by this method will be quite different from the actual pipe weight, which is heavier than the actual weight. Because this method calculates the weight of the overlapping parts on both sides. However, many customers are more accepting of this method of weight calculation.
The second way is the circular pipe algorithm. When the rectangular pipe is produced, most of them are first made into round steel, and then indented. Therefore, as long as the calculated weight is converted into the calculated weight of the round steel, the circumference and diameter of the round steel can be calculated. The error of this algorithm is also relatively small. The third is the standard algorithm, which is calculated according to the JISG3466 standard of Japan. The calculation method is basically the same in weight, but relatively few people know this calculation method.
临沂镀锌方管市场继续盘整运行厂家多持续企…方管临沂镀锌方管市场报价维持观望。市场方面,今日螺纹钢期货2005合约午收3540,贴水294元/吨,整体走势震荡格局。原料钢坯3400左右含税出库低价有成交,带钢145mm系部分 出清;355mm系列现货昨降5-15左右,裸价主流3330-3370;河北主导管厂现方管4寸(3.75mm)出厂报价在3880-4040之间,现 唐山当地方管市场价3830,名义利润30元… 预计明日国内方管市场价格窄幅调整出货有所…方管方管市场价格主稳个调。今晨受夜盘期货下跌运行的影响,今日开市,国内方管市场主流价格部分下调,但盘中随着期货震荡走高,钢坯涨20元,市场需求有所回暖。刺激了一定 的需求,出货有所上升。北方地区方管价格波动不大,其代表城市唐山地区价格盘中部分上涨10元,但由于停产执行期间,部分规格库存下降较为明显,所以钢厂 价…