南京方管市场价格微跌,市场整体成交一般。“五一”假期过后,期货、原料等上游市场一直处于一个窄幅震荡趋势,因此不 管上游还是下游操作均较为谨慎,虽管厂调价幅度并不大,多数贸易商挺价意愿也较强,但市场需求不佳,出货量一般,市场多数抱着观望态度,对近期市场行情并 不看好。库存方面,整体库存量减少缓慢,销售压力依旧不容小觑。价格方面,截至5月10日,南京市场唐山京华产新国标4寸(3.75mm)方管价格为4250元,6寸(4mm)方管价格为4450元。
Nanjing Fangguan market prices fell slightly, the overall market turnover is general. After the May 1st holiday, the upstream markets of futures and raw materials have been in a narrow fluctuation trend. Therefore, both upstream and downstream operations are more cautious. Although the range of price adjustment is not large and most traders are willing to bid more, the market demand is not good, the volume of shipments is general, and most of the markets hold a wait-and-see attitude and are not optimistic about the recent market. Inventory, the overall inventory decline is slow, sales pressure can not be underestimated. In terms of price, as of May 10, the price of 4-inch (3.75 mm) square tube and 6-inch (4 mm) square tube of Tangshan Jinghua New National Standard in Nanjing market were 4250 yuan and 4450 yuan respectively. 原料方面:唐山普碳150方坯报价3610元,比上周同期下跌20元;现唐山瑞丰产355mm系列带钢出厂价格为3870元,比上周同期下跌10元。
Raw materials: Tangshan Pucarbon 150 billet quoted 3610 yuan, 20 yuan lower than the same period last week; Tangshan Ruifeng 355mm series strip steel ex-factory price is 3870 yuan, 10 yuan lower than the same period last week.
In terms of management plant: Tangshan Youfa now produces 4 inches (3.75 mm) square tube weighing with tax price of 4120 yuan, which was flat in the same period last week; Tangshan Jinghua 4 inches (3.75 mm) square tube weighing with tax price of 4120 yuan, 30 yuan lower than the same period last week.
Overall, the current upstream raw material market is difficult to hide the trend of shocks, and the downstream market is weak. It is expected that the Nanjing Square Management Market will continue to operate in a narrow range next week.
郑州镀锌方管市场价格稳中趋强运行厂家优惠…方管今日郑州镀锌方管市场价格大幅上涨;整体成交一般。当前来看,期螺高位运行,方管厂家心态方面较为乐观,现货下游需求低价成交有所好转,午后期螺持续高位运行,高位成交受阻,部分方管厂家优惠出货,市场心态十分积极,方管厂家对本周后续需求持乐观态度,对后市挺价意愿强。在原料价格的支撑下,现货价格仍然坚挺。部分厂家… 近期沈阳市场方管价格或弱稳运行厂家开始办…方管沈阳市场方管价格平稳,市场尚未开动。今日期螺保持震荡走高的态势,最终收于3427,今日沈阳当地现货市场维持稳定,目前东北地区几乎 全员停摆,下游现货需求近乎为零。加之非常时期,疫情导致市场冷淡停顿,本周方管厂家开始办公,但绝大部分都是远程进行工作。不过成交方面惨淡,难有出货。 而工地方面则早已完全停工。库存…