广州市场方管价格小幅拉涨。今日期螺强势大幅拉涨,原材料方面现唐山昌黎迁安普碳方坯含税出厂3580涨20。今日广州方管现 货市场报价涨10-30不等,成交尚可;个别资源拉涨50。据贸易商反馈目前外围市场拉涨均是由于期货影响,在没有明确的利好消息支撑下,市场操作还是比 较谨慎,包括下游采购也是逢低进货。到下午17点突然传出央行下调农村商业银行存款准备金率,或许能支撑/解释今日的期现双双拉涨。综上所述,预计明日广 州本地方管价格或偏强运行。
Guangzhou market management prices slightly increased. Today's snail strength has increased substantially, raw materials are now Tangshan Changli Qianananpu carbon billet factory tax 3580 up 20. Today, the spot market quotation of Guangzhou Square Management increased by 10-30, the transaction is still acceptable; individual resources increased by 50. According to TRADERS'feedback, the current peripheral market rally is due to futures. Without clear good news, market operation is still more cautious, including downstream purchasing is also on the low side. By 17 p.m., the central bank suddenly lowered the reserve requirement ratio of rural commercial banks, which may support / explain the double-pull increase of today's expectations. To sum up, it is expected that Guangzhou local management price will be stronger tomorrow. 价格方面,现广州市场上韶钢产Ф8-10mm高线市场价格为4400 元,Ф8-10mm抗震盘螺4500元/吨,18-25三级抗震螺纹钢4280元/吨;广钢产Ф8-10mm高线市场价格为4250元,Ф8-10mm抗 震盘螺4390元/吨,18-25三级抗震螺纹钢4220元/吨;以上价格于昨日相比涨10-30元。
In terms of price, the market price of Shaogang 8-10mm high-speed wire is 4400 yuan, 8-10mm anti-seismic disc screw 4500 yuan/ton, 18-25 grade anti-seismic threaded steel 4280 yuan/ton; Guangzhou Steel 8-10mm high-speed wire market price is 4250 yuan, 8-10mm anti-seismic disc screw 4390 yuan/ton and 18-25 grade anti-seismic threaded steel 4220 yuan/ton; the above price is 10-30 yuan higher than yesterday.
方管在生产过程中要注意的几个重点方管作为一个生产方管的厂家要对方管的各个工艺流程、钢管材质性能有足够的掌握,在客户订购焊管的时候方管和矩形管是客户的选择对象。我们多次提到方管和矩形管的优劣,方管在生产过程中只有管端的尺寸是最严格的的,毕竟方管不同于矩形管,所以在生产方管的时候要注意把口径和管端做到最好,以便于在安装焊接过程中能够方便快捷… 郑州薄壁方管市场或震荡运行厂家出货相对较…方管今日郑州薄壁方管市场价格小幅上涨,成交一般。厂家目前低价出货相对较多。当前市场心态情绪拉涨,随着期货震荡上行,部分资源进行小幅拉涨。目前方管厂家还是表示近期没有什么明确的消息面和指标来刺激市场。目前钢材产量方面持上升趋势。 库存方面:郑州薄壁方管库存29.14万吨,环比上周下降1.67万吨,螺纹钢21.68万吨,…