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博兴镀锌方管市场价格主流持稳厂家对后市谨…方管博兴镀锌方管市场价格主流持稳。市场方面,尽管早盘期卷持绿,但方管厂家观望情绪浓郁,稳价出货居多,现力强主流规格售价在4020-4050元/吨;又由于本地镀锌1月份加工费如下, 现0.11-0.13mm价0.57-0.59元 /平方米,0.14-0.19mm价0.55-0.57元/平方米,0.2-0.36mm价0.52-0.54元/平方米,0.37-0.45mm以上价 165…

本周无锡方管行情回顾:据悉,上周五期螺夜盘震荡走低,商家情绪略有下降,周末市场成交普遍较弱。周初开市,期螺继续走低,在没有明显利好支撑的情况 下,方管厂家开始降价出货,部分则保持观望。此后,期货一直表现欠佳,加之高温和雨水的影响,方管市场需求逐渐减少,下游采购力度亦有所减弱,商家心态受挫,对于 后市普遍看空,一些方管厂家为降库存继续低价出货,形成本周方市场震荡下行的主基调。

This week's Square Management Market Review: It is reported that last Friday's snail night disc shocks fell, business sentiment slightly decreased, weekend market turnover is generally weak. At the beginning of the week, the snail market continued to decline. In the absence of obvious favorable support, the square tube manufacturers began to reduce their prices and deliver goods, while some remained on the sidelines. Since then, futures have been underperforming, coupled with the impact of high temperature and rainwater, market demand has gradually decreased, downstream purchasing efforts have also been weakened, business mentality has been frustrated, for the future market is generally bearish, some managerial manufacturers continue to deliver goods at low prices to reduce inventory, forming the main tone of this week's managerial market turbulence downward.

方管厂方面,6月份主导型钢厂集中检修:具体包钢6月份大线检修60天,小线以生产钢轨为主,影响产量约7万吨/月;河北津西钢铁集团,型钢6月份 大线检修12天,中小线检修18天,预计影响大小线产量合计15万吨;山西安泰钢铁计划于6月1日—15日对型钢生产线安排检修,为期15天,预计影响产 量6万吨;鞍山宝得钢铁于5月29日开始对型钢生产线安排检修,预期20天,预计影响产量10万吨。6月钢厂集中检修,将减少市场供应压力。

As for square pipe works, in June, the leading section mills concentrated maintenance: Baotou Iron and Steel Co. in June, the major line was overhauled for 60 days, while the minor line was mainly used to produce rails, which affected the output of about 70,000 tons per month; Hebei Jinxi Iron and Steel Group, which had 12 days of overhaul of the major line in June, and 18 days of overhaul of the minor and medium lines, expected to affect the total output of 150,000 tons of large and small lines; Shanxi Antai Iron and Steel Co. planned to arrange the production line of section steel from June 1 to 15 Maintenance lasts for 15 days, which is expected to affect the output of 60,000 tons. Baode Iron and Steel Co. of Anshan started to arrange maintenance for the section steel production line on May 29. It is expected to affect the output of 100,000 tons in 20 days. Centralized maintenance in June will reduce market supply pressure.

后期来看,伴随六月份的到来,北方大都进入高温多雨季节,需求会明显放缓,市场开始步入季节性销售淡季;与此同时,6月初部分钢企已安排检修计 划,虽未形成较大的规模效应,但对产量仍有一定影响,后期型钢供给量或小幅下滑。在此整体供需两弱的大背景下,预计短期内。

Later, with the arrival of June, most of the northern region will enter the hot and rainy season, demand will slow down significantly, and the market will begin to enter the seasonal off-season of sales. At the same time, some steel enterprises have arranged maintenance plans in early June, although there is no large-scale effect, but it still has a certain impact on the output, the supply of section steel or a small decline in the latter period. Against the background of weak overall supply and demand, it is expected that the local regulated market will maintain a weak oscillation pattern in the short term. 

广州当地方管价格或趋弱调整以出货成交为主…方管广州市场方管价格以稳为主。今日期螺高位震荡宽幅下行,原材料方面现昌黎普碳方坯含税出厂3500跌10。今日广州当地又开始强降 雨,周边地区积水严重影响建设单位的施工进程,故今日市场成交较昨天明显收缩,价格维稳可议,以出货成交为主。目前供需基本面变化不大,主要影响因素还是 雨季对需求的抑制,市场普遍对后市消极,在… 北京方管市场价格以稳为主成交量明显不足方管本周北京方管市场价格以稳为主。截至27日,北京市螺线沙龙批量成交指导价 格:Φ8-10mm高线为4270元(吨价,下同),比上周持平。河钢集团产Φ12mm三级抗震螺纹钢为3620元,比上周降20元;Φ25mm三级螺钢 为3650元,比上周降20元。 期货市场先抑后扬,幅度有限持续处在较窄的箱体震荡中;而期螺没有明确方向也给现货市场难…
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广州方管价格或窄幅震荡运行成交不到一百吨…方管广州市场方管价格弱势下调,市场大户依然是没有什么出货,整个市场成交粗略预计不到一百吨,报价方面稳中小幅下调。目前广州当地仓库属于 只进不出状态,已有几个仓库出现爆仓,到下周轧方管厂家及电炉厂方面或开始要相继复… 今日沈阳方管市场价格稳中有降厂家心态平缓…方管今日沈阳方管市场价格稳中有降,出货略差。今日开市,市场有小幅下滑,但整体节奏已经挺住。方管厂家心态平缓,今日期货价格表现尚可,下午冲高乏力。多少影响了一下沈阳市场的心态,但由于库存极低,期货总体对市场影响不…