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国内方管或将高位坚挺整理为主成交暂无明 显好转

成都市场方管价格或趋弱盘整运行厂家出货为…方管成都方管市场价小幅反弹。外围市场:今日钢坯降10。期螺今日高位震荡,现货市场部分反弹。北京市场涨10-20,螺纹主流价格在3560-3580;天津市场以稳为主;杭州市场 涨30,主流价格在3750;本地市场:今日成都市场方管小幅反弹20元,据了解,今日市场成交一般,方管厂家多暗降出货为主,另外,西北地区钢厂冬储…

方管价格窄幅上调,15日国内方管涨跌互现。今日145方管早盘开市主流报稳3880含税出厂,多数成交尚可,部分方管厂家早早出清日产停售,下游架子管需求较好,小窄 带价格有支撑,今日唐山丰润区调坯型钢厂预计按文件执行停限产,钢坯投机需求增加,钢坯直发较好,因此小窄带盘中累涨20;唐山355方管主流较昨涨 10,中宽带较昨涨20,周末两日没有期货做指导,因此方管价格仅依靠市场成交做参考,连续两日多以稳为主,今日铁矿石大幅拉涨,带动期螺尾盘大幅拉升, 调坯型钢厂、窄带及建筑钢材绝大多数将按照政策在7月16日凌晨执行停产,产线开工率将有所下降,对市场情绪有所提振,因此钢坯价格累涨20,方管成本上升, 因此方管出厂价也跟涨10-20,但整体出货一般,商家多挺价为主;华东华南地区今日方管价格窄幅调整,市场整体成交情况不温不火,下游需求表现平平,淡 季效应下拿货情绪普遍不高。目前,北方市场交投氛围受期货及限产影响好转,市场价格回涨10-20左右,当地贸易商部分有跟随拉涨情况,但具体成交暂无明 显好转。综合来看,考虑到供需弱势平衡,预计短期内国内方管市场或将高位坚挺整理为主。

Square tube prices rose narrowly, and domestic tube prices rose and fell on the 15th. Today, 145 square pipe early market mainstream reported stable 3880 with tax, most of the transactions are still acceptable, some square pipe manufacturers early out of the early morning Nissan stop selling, downstream shelf pipe demand is better, small narrow band prices are supportive, today Tangshan Fengrun District billet mill is expected to stop production according to the document, billet speculative demand increased, billet direct delivery is better, As a result, the mainstream of Tangshan 355 square pipe increased by 20% compared with yesterday, the broadband increased by 20% compared with yesterday, and the broadband increased by 20% compared with yesterday. There was no futures guidance on weekend two days. Therefore, the square pipe price only relied on market transactions as a reference. For two consecutive days, it was mainly stable. Today, iron ore rose sharply, leading to a sharp increase in the tail plate during the period, billet-adjusting mills, narrowbands and so on. The majority of construction steel will be shut down in the early morning of July 16 in accordance with the policy. The production line start-up rate will decrease and the market sentiment will be boosted. As a result, the billet price will increase by 20 and the square tube cost will rise. Therefore, the square tube ex-factory price will also rise by 10-20, but the overall shipment is general, and the merchants are mainly in the south of East China today. In spite of the narrow price adjustment, the overall market turnover is tepid, the downstream demand performance is flat, and the mood of picking up goods under the off-season effect is generally not high. At present, the trading climate in the northern market has been improved by futures and production restrictions. Market prices have risen by about 10-20. Some local traders have followed the upward trend, but the specific transaction has not improved significantly for the time being. Generally speaking, considering the weak balance between supply and demand, it is expected that the domestic market will be dominated by a strong consolidation in the short term.

方管价格方面:唐山热轧方管(2.5*355mm)唐山瑞丰3890较昨日涨20;天津热轧方管 4.0*(480-570)天津荣钢3940较昨涨20;无锡热轧方管(2.5*355mm)中天3950较昨降10,莱芜热轧方管2.5* (232-355)莱钢3910较昨稳,唐山热轧小窄带报3900较昨涨20。

天津方管价格试探性小幅上调厂家积极出货方管天津方管市场价格试探性小幅上调。市场方面,由于今日期货冲高上涨,本地现货市场信心提振,价格偏强运行。据市场了解,早盘钢坯继续拉涨,截至午后累涨30元。在期货及钢坯的带动下,方管厂家积极出货,与此同时,价格低位高靠,盘中成交尚可。钢厂方面,今日天钢方管锁价3700元,较为强势。另外,加之现在本地市场库存偏低,… 国内方管主稳个涨厂家都是规避风险以出货为…方管20日国内方管多数持稳运行,今日国内方管主稳个涨。今日145小方管开盘较昨涨20元/吨,主流厂家报3800元/吨,个别方管厂家资源被秒抢,整体市场成交偏弱。今日期货市场 持续高位持红运行。唐山普方坯市场开盘上涨,受其影响承压上行,但下游商家恐高情绪较浓,观望意图明显,因此多数企业涨后回落,今日午后期螺走高,挺价底 …
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本周方管市场价格下调库存量不会有太大改变…方管本周天津方管市场价格下调,成交一般。随着近一段时间中美贸易战升级,期货市场波澜迭起,市场看涨心态受到一定程度打压,比较敏感的唐山地区价格持续震荡运行,受此影响,本地市场价格 也随之下调,据了解,目前市场上资源… 方管厂家反馈今日成交较昨日有一定回落方管本周乐从方管价格上涨,成交放量。回顾本周,期货市场强势上涨,现货市场方管厂家报价大幅拉涨,现乐从方管主流价格在3780元/吨左右,较上周大幅上涨150元。本周大户日均成交在 800吨左右,中户日均成交在400吨左右。方管厂…