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天津方管也将随时保持坚挺走势成交方面有所…方管本周天津方管市场价格波动运行,成交冷清。周内,随着成本端市场方坯、带钢价格小幅震荡调整,同时 考虑到市场整体活跃度不高等因素,本地主流管厂方管价格也窄幅波动运行。市场方面,经销商补货操作依旧谨慎,管厂成交情况有所转淡。据了解,周内本地主流 管厂价格调价情绪不高:一方面考虑到节前方管厂家补…

本周中南地区镀锌方管市场价格震荡向下,市场方面,本周周一受原料拉涨影响镀锌方管价格小幅跟涨外,周二到周五镀锌方管价格开始震荡下行。31日,关于唐山6月份环保限产措施出版,限产或对 原料钢坯价格形成一定支撑,然6月份中南各地将进入季节性需求淡季,下游终端对镀锌方管消耗将放缓,或对成品材价格形成一定压力。五月份产量继续维持高位, 供应压力不减。整体来看,利空笼罩整个市场,悲观情绪蔓延,商家普遍看空后市。预计下周中南地区镀锌方管价格震荡偏弱运行。

This week, the price of galvanized square tubes in central and southern China has been fluctuating downward. On the market side, the price of galvanized square tubes started to oscillate downward from Tuesday to Friday, except that the price of galvanized square tubes rose slightly on Monday due to the pulling up of raw materials. On June 31st, the publication of Tangshan's environmental measures for production restriction in June will support the production restriction or the price of raw steel billets. However, the seasonal off-season demand in June will enter all parts of central and southern China. The consumption of galvanized square tubes at downstream terminals will slow down, or pressure will be exerted on the price of finished products. Production remained high in May and supply pressure remained constant. On the whole, the market is shrouded by bad news, and pessimism spreads. Businessmen are generally short of the future market. It is expected that the price fluctuation of galvanized square tubes in central and southern China will be weak next week.

天津唐山邯郸主要厂统计:本周(5.30)厂内原料带钢库存30.4万吨,比上周同期降2.35万吨;镀锌方管库存8.4万吨,比上周增0.25万 吨;镀锌方管库存19.7万吨,比上周同期增1.5万吨;日均成交量4.97万吨,比上周同期减0.42万吨。另兰格网本周钢坯库存调查:据统计31日唐山 主要仓库钢坯库存约20.8万吨,较上期(24日)降2.5万吨,象屿库库存保持在10万吨以下。

Tianjin Tangshan Handan main pipe factory statistics: this week (53,000 tons) factory stock of raw material strip steel, 23,500 tons lower than the same period last week; galvanized square pipe inventory 84,000 tons, an increase of 0.25 million tons than last week; galvanized square pipe inventory 19.7 million tons, an increase of 15,000 tons over the same period last week; daily turnover of 49,700 tons, a decrease of 0.42 million tons over the same period last week. According to statistics, the stock of billets in Tangshan's main warehouses was about 208,000 tons on 31st, down 25,000 tons from the previous period (24 days), and the stock in Xiangyu warehouse was kept below 100,000 tons.

价格方面:截至发稿,现郑州本地4寸(3.75)镀锌方管 均价4810元(过磅价,下同),较上周跌30元;武汉4寸(3.75mm)镀锌方管均价为4950元,较上周跌60元;长沙4寸(3.75mm)镀锌方管均 价5250元,较上周跌80元;广州4寸(3.75mm)镀锌方管均价为5602元,较上周跌20元;南宁4寸(3.75mm)镀锌方管均价为4960元,较 上周跌40元;海口4寸(3.75mm)镀锌方管均价为5525元,与上周持平。

Price: Up to submission, the average price of 4-inch (3.75) galvanized square tubes in Zhengzhou is 4810 yuan (pound price, the same below), 30 yuan lower than last week; the average price of 4-inch (3.75 mm) galvanized square tubes in Wuhan is 4950 yuan, 60 yuan lower than last week; the average price of 4-inch (3.75 mm) galvanized square tubes in Changsha is 5250 yuan, 80 yuan lower than last week; the average price of 4-inch (3.75 mm) galvanized square tubes in Guangzhou is 5602 yuan, 20 yuan lower than last week; and the average price of 4-inch (3.75 mm) galvanized square tubes in Nanning is 20 yuan lower than last week. The average price of galvanized square tubes was 4960 yuan, 40 yuan lower than last week; the average price of 4-inch (3.75 mm) galvanized square tubes in Haikou was 5525 yuan, which was the same as last week. 

长沙镀锌方管市场价格持稳厂家需求持续释放…方管长沙镀锌方管市场价格持稳,市场方面,周末巴西关停三座矿山刷爆钢铁圈,早盘铁矿石大涨,但国内镀锌方管产量和库存绝对量仍处高位。近期本地雨季来临,下游需求持续释放受阻,或将大概率影响到库存去化节奏以及接下来的本地镀锌方管走势,据方管厂家反馈,市场前期缺货规格也稍有缓解,预计短期本地镀锌方管市场价格稳。原料… 唐山方管市场价格震荡偏弱运行市场活跃度低…方管本周唐山方管市场价格震荡,涨跌不一,需求仍然低迷,市场交易气氛惨淡,商家尽力出货,钢厂心态较受挫。本周周初唐山方管均下调10-20元,市场活跃度低,方管厂端仍在持续15天轮产政策中,听部分钢厂反应,截止到8月之前每 月都将执行15天轮产,生产、出货、库存影响较大,部分钢厂心态受挫,对后市心态不乐观,虽然限产仍在…
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